Wrap around

Clarke’s CLUB

Clarke’s CLUB is an exciting new wraparound facility managed by Richard Clarke First School staff and provides professional, high quality care for children at the beginning and end of the school day. The club is open daily, term time only, within the school premises and so is in a safe and secure environment.

Whilst there is an emphasis on relaxation, there is a carefully planned balance of activities including physical, subject specific and creative pursuits. When the weather is suitable, we will also make use of our extensive outside facilities including the timber trail, the field/playgrounds, courtyard and forest school learning spaces, all under the supervision of qualified school staff. There will also be opportunities to enrich children’s learning by being supported with things like prep work for lessons, practicing reading, being read to and completing independent learning, that you might not easily find time to do at home.

This means not only can the children enjoy what they are doing in these before and after school sessions, but they will also gain in self-esteem, self-confidence and feel prepared for the school day whilst also learning new skills and interests.

Clarke’s CLUB is open to all children of a first school age, and parents can book as little as one session per week. The minimum booked session is one hour and parents are billed monthly. Parents may be able to claim Tax Free Credits and/or Tax Free Childcare or use Childcare vouchers.


Times Prices Info
7.45am – 9.00am £7.00 Includes breakfast
8.15am – 9.00am £3.50 Without breakfast
3.30pm – 4.30pm £4.00 Choice of activities
3.30pm – 5.30pm £9.00 Includes snack and a drink
3.30pm – 6.00pm £14.00 Includes snack and a drink


Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
7.45 Sign in


Sign in


Sign in


Sign in


Sign in


8-8.15 Breakfast










8.15-8.45 Creative Words games Number fun Music and move Physical
8.45 Class drop off Class drop off Class drop off Class drop off Class drop off

Breakfast will be a choice of cereal, milk, toast, jam and a drink. On special occasions crumpets/pancakes.


Autumn 1 September to October 2024:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
3.30-3.35 Register



Construction (Lego, building kits)



Nature (Various nature projects; animals, plants, environments)




Board games


Physical (sports/games) Mindfulness (Colouring, movie magic, yoga, sensory games)


Craft (Art, making things) Dodgeball

Sporting PB


Story Fun (reading, book talk, book art, plays, drama) Glee (singing, dance, acting) Physical (exercise/games)

Homework and free play

Snack and drink

Support with homelearning

Free choice activities


Read and rest

Quiet reading

Story time



If you would like to book a place for either a Breakfast Club, Teacher Club/Clarke’s club and/or extended wrap around care place, then please download a contract and a booking form and return these to the school office.

Clarke’s Club Registration Document

RCFS WAC Booking From Autumn 1 2024

RCFS Wrap Around Club Provision contract

You can either fill in the forms on your computer and email to office, or print and hand into the office, alternatively call the office and they will be able to assist you in booking a place.  The fee will be added to your parent pay account.

Please read the contract ensure you understand the terms and conditions.

Telephone:   01283 840206

Email: Mrs Kennedy or Mrs Parkes office@richardclarke.staffs.sch.uk


As children attend different clubs they will have the opportunity to acquire new skills throughout the different pathways:

  • Creative
  • Physical
  • Nature
  • STEM (Science, technology, engineering, maths)
  • Health and wellbeing

With each new skill mastered and new learning experienced, the children will earn credits.  These credits will build up to awards and the goal is to graduate at the end of Y4 from Clarke’s Club.


  1. Basic Skills Certificate
  2. General Certificate
  3. Advanced Certificate
  4. Higher Certificate
  5. Diploma
  6. Higher Diploma
  7. Degree
  8. Masters
  9. Doctorate
  10. Graduate

Award ceremonies will be held February and July.


Download our flyer and share with friends:

Clarke’s Club Flyer


We currently do not run our own holiday wrap around care however we can sign post to the following partner/trusted providers who may be able to meet your holiday requirements.


Happy Hours in Uttoxeter, will offer holiday childcare for our children, as a trusted provider and partner to Uttoxeter Learning Trust.

For online booking please use this link. Create your account now to be able to book and pay online.

Happy Hours offers care for children aged 3-13 years.  Their holiday club is available from 7am-6pm.

For more information please telephone 07518 383775.

Oldfields Road, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, ST14 7QL


Sporting PB offer a wide variety of camps for boys and girls between the ages of 5 – 13.  See website for upcoming camps.




Throughout the year, Spotlight Dance Academy holds various dance and performance workshops/summer schools designed to give our youngsters the opportunity to develop their theatre skills in a fun and creative atmosphere.


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