School Performance

At Richard Clarke First School we are continually striving for excellence and we carefully track individual pupil progress.  Academic data is important and Richard Clarke performs well against national averages.  However, we do believe that this data, doesn’t give you the whole picture of how much progress our children make at RCFS, as we look at progress in many ways.  Nonetheless, here is our headline data:

The Richard Clarke First School – GOV.UK (

Early Years – % of pupils attaining a ‘Good Level of Development’-

National 67%                  RCFS 2023 71%

Year 1 – % of pupils achieving the Phonics Screening Check pass mark and above-

National 79%                   RCFS 2023 80%

KS1 subject working at the expected level National results-

National Reading 68%   RCFS    2023  85%

National Writing 60%    RCFS    2023  73%

National Maths 70%      RCFS    2023  88%


(NB Our cohorts can range from 15 to 30 pupils so each child can be worth between 3 and 6% when comparing data year on year, making some data unreliable)

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