Physical Education

What is PE (Physical Education)?

‘PE is the development of fundamental skills of movement: agility, balance and movement.

PE allows us to apply skills and link them to actions and sequences of movement.

We communicate, collaborate and compete.’


Balance and Movement              Invasion Games                      Sportsmanship

At Richard Clarke First School, we prioritize Physical Education (PE) in our curriculum, fostering a love for sports and promoting healthy lifestyles. Our PE program aims to enhance basic physical skills, boost confidence, and instil sportsmanship. Lessons encourage self-improvement and skill development while emphasizing physical, social, emotional, and cognitive growth. We ensure teachers are well-equipped to teach PE comprehensively. Following the National Curriculum, we guarantee at least 2 hours of weekly physical activity. Our pupils engage in residential trips, outdoor activities, and extracurricular competitions, promoting independence and lifelong fitness awareness.

Richard Clarke First School aims to adhere to the National Curriculum for physical education, which ensures that, all pupils:

• Develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities.
• Are physically active for sustained periods.
• Engage in competitive sports and activities.
• Lead healthy, active lives.

Our approach includes training Key Stage 2 sports leaders, ensuring lunchtime access to physical activities for Year 1-4 pupils, and fostering a wide range of competitive and non-competitive sports through intra-school competitions and extracurricular clubs. We also participate in inter-school competitions within the Uttoxeter Learning Trust. Our curriculum is carefully planned to cover National Curriculum requirements, offering progression from fundamental skills in EYFS and KS1 to specific sports in KS2. Lower KS2 (Y3 and 4) pupils receive up to 15 weeks of swimming lessons to promote safety and meet National Curriculum swimming goals by the end of KS2.

Pupils at Richard Clarke First School will:
• Develop physical skills and confidence through play, friendly school, and inter-school competition.
• Progress from fundamental movement skills in EYFS and KS1 to a broader range in KS2.
• Extend agility, balance, and coordination, using them creatively and in sequences.
• Engage in cooperative physical activities, fostering teamwork skills.
• Experience competitive physical activities, promoting self-improvement.
• Develop an understanding of improvement in various activities and sports.
• Cultivate physical confidence, supporting health, fitness, and well-being.

D.Austin, PE Lead

“I enjoy the PE lessons at RCFS, because we compete in our House Teams!”

“PE is my favourite lesson, as we learn different skills, like balancing, ball skills and dance.”

“I like taking part in the sport competitions with other schools.”

PE Curriculum Overview

RCFS PE Progression of Skills and Knowledge

RCFS PE Rationales

Sporting Competitions 2024-2025:

Sporting House Teams:

PE lessons at Richard Clarke:


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