Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) and Relational Education (RE) at RCFS



The intent of our PSHEe and RE curriculum is deliver a curriculum which is accessible to all and that will maximise the outcomes for every child so that they know more about the ever changing world that they are growing up in. As a result of this they will become healthy, independent and responsible members of a society who understand how they are developing personally and socially, and give them confidence to tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. We provide our children with opportunities for them to learn about rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society. Our children are encouraged to develop their independence, thinking skills and wellbeing by providing opportunities for pupils to contribute to school life and the wider community.


We will implement the PSHEe and RE curriculum through the use of  four threshold concepts that each class teacher will promote at an age related level. Within this, there are outlined and well-thought of milestones that interlink with the threshold concepts that’s purpose is to shape the PSHEe and RE curriculum of the school and form well-rounded, future members of society. These are: living in the wider world, health and well-being, relationships and safety. These threshold concepts are pinnacle for delivering a connected curriculum that enables children to retain and hold learning into their long-term memory that can be added to and built onto as they progress through their learning journey at The Richard Clarke First School.

These threshold concepts are exposed to learners by exciting and engaging workshops, role play opportunities, circles times and themed days. At the Richard Clarke First School, we strive to provide our children with a range of learning opportunities to sculpt them into their future selves. Our children are given opportunities to develop and promote their independence by contributing to the school environment through school councils, supporting younger children and friendship ambassadors.

To achieve this, we also implement our curriculum drivers into our PSHEe and RE curriculum. These are diversity, possibilities, wellbeing and environment. These are evident through all our planning, teaching and learning to ensure our cultural capital needs are met and learning opportunities best prepare all learners for their future.

The teaching of PSHEe and RE incorporates the whole school ethos TEAM- Together Everyone Achieves More. As well as our school values: teamwork, responsibility, consideration, friendship and success. This is embedded by incorporating these values into PSHE and RE lessons across year groups but also in assemblies, break times, PE lessons and extra-curricular activities.

In order to support all pupils, we have worked closely with the wider school community to create a PSHEe and RE curriculum that supports and nurtures all learners, no matter the background or need, to provide them with the opportunities to develop the physical, social, emotional and economic skills they require to best prepare them for the next stage of their school life, but also their life as an adult member of society.


The impact of our PSHEe and RE curriculum will be monitored by the PSHEe and Relationship Education coordinator to ensure that all pupils receive high quality teaching to certify that they are fully prepared for future study, work and the wider society. As the PSHEe and RE curriculum aims to promote our children’s attitudes and values positively in order for them to be successful and respectable members of society developed through this element of the hidden curriculum. As well as this, the delivery and teaching of PSHEe and RE will have a positive impact on the pupil’s social, emotional and behavioral conduct both in and out of the school environment. As children will develop a perspective of how to maintain healthy social relationships and how to deal with disagreements as well as how to self-regulate their emotions in a positive way.

Evaluation of the curriculum’s effectiveness will be conducted through pupil questionnaires, interviews, staff meetings and lesson observations. We will also ensure that we work closely with parents in our school community and send out parent questionnaires in order to gauge the impact of PSHEe and RE beyond the school setting as a way of observing the effect our teaching is having on our children and their wellbeing. Finally, we will use our assessment for learning (AFL) strategies during the topic areas covered in PSHEe and RE to ensure that teachers can track pupil’s progression during the course of a module.

PSHE Progression of Skills and Knowledge

PSHEe and Health and Relationships policy

PSHEe and Health and Relationships topic overview

“I like PSHE because if you are feeling angry at home or at school you know how to handle that anger.”

“I like PSHE because you learn how to keep safe!”

“PSHE is useful because you can learn how your body grows.”


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