Art and Design and Design and technology



The intent of our Art and Design Curriculum is to deliver the aims of the National Curriculum in a way that equips and inspires pupils to embody some of the highest forms of human creativity through art, craft and design. At the Richard Clarke First School we provide our learners with a high-quality Art and Design Curriculum that engages, stimulates and challenges pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. Children are encouraged to create artwork through the use of a range of different mediums, media and materials. Throughout their time at Richard Clarke, children learn and become confident with the skills of drawing, painting, printing, collage, textiles, 3D work and digital art and are given the
opportunity to explore and evaluate different creative ideas. As well as building in opportunities for learners to reflect on their work and think about how they can improve and make changes in the future. Within the Art and Design Curriculum, there are links to famous artists and creative pioneers such as craft makers, architects and designers, with opportunities for children to learn about how these famous figures influenced and shaped the creative culture. Sequenced new knowledge, vocabulary and skills build on what have been taught before and work towards clearly defined endpoints.


In order to prepare our learners to become creative artists, The Richard Clarke First School has outlined and agreed upon three threshold concepts that each teacher will implement to underpin their teaching at an age-related level for their topics. Within these, are clear and well-differentiated milestones that link closely to the threshold concepts that are used to form the Art and Design Curriculum to ensure that pupils become inspired, creative and inventive members of society. These threshold concepts are develop ideas, master techniques and take inspiration from the greats. These key concepts combined, and weaved together, form a connected curriculum that ensure that children become imaginative and creative individuals equipped with the skills, knowledge and vocabulary they need and provide the stepping stones to new possibilities in the future and beyond. Our threshold concepts are implemented into all of our planning and assessment opportunities are built into teaching units and take a variety of forms including self-assessment and peer-to-peer critique as well as teacher assessment.  Each year group focuses on different themes and artists to ensure that there is continued interest in the subject as well as acquiring new knowledge and building on prior learning by encouraging children to make links in their long term memory . The lessons planned across the school promote the mastery of children’s techniques, including their control and their use of different materials and media, with creativity, experimentation and an increasing awareness of different kinds of art, craft and design.


The impact of the Art and Design Curriculum will be monitored by the Art and Design lead to ensure that all pupils receive high quality teaching to ensure that they are confident, creative and imaginative young artists who enjoy art. The aim of the curriculum is for learners to become confident with using technical vocabulary accurately and pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the concepts and skills that they are taught with increasing mastery. Children improve their observational skills and curiosity about the world around them, and learn how artistic pioneers have shaped the world of art and culture, as well as how art has developed throughout history, from the Stone Age to modern day. Children will become confident in evaluating their own work and the works of others and demonstrate the skills of resilience and perseverance by evaluating and improving their work as they go. Evaluation of the Art and Design curriculum’s effectiveness will be conducted through pupil questionnaires, staff meetings, staff training and lesson observations. Trackers will be used as a tool to monitor pupil’s progress in relation to aims of the National Curriculum.  As well as this, we will use assessment for learning (AFL) during the topic to ensure that teachers can track pupil’s progression during the course of a topic.

Useful Art documents:

Yearly overview:

Art Yearly Overview 



“I enjoy art because you can create your own art work in the style a particular artist.” 

“Art is great because you get to be creative using different things.” 

“I like art because I can see how much better I’ve got at sketching since reception.”



At the Richard Clarke First School, we believe in nurturing the creativity, curiosity, and problem-solving skills of our students through Design Technology (DT) education. Our intent is to provide a dynamic and inclusive DT curriculum that inspires children to explore, design, make, and evaluate products and systems. We aim to equip our students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to thrive in an ever-evolving technological world. Our DT curriculum fosters resilience, resourcefulness, and innovation, preparing our students to become confident and responsible designers and makers.


Design Technology at the Richard Clarke First School is centered on a comprehensive approach aimed at fostering the creative potential and problem-solving capabilities of our students while promoting sustainability. Our curriculum is thoughtfully designed to provide a progressive learning experience, integrating hands-on activities encompassing designing, making, and evaluating products using diverse materials and tools. Through cross-curricular connections, we enrich the learning journey by integrating DT with subjects like Science, Mathematics, and Art. To ensure inclusivity, adaptations are made to support students of varying abilities. Real-world contexts are embedded within our curriculum to cultivate an understanding of the broader implications of design decisions, with a particular emphasis on sustainability. This approach nurtures creativity, resilience, and technical proficiency, empowering our students to become confident and responsible designers and makers prepared for the challenges of an increasingly technological and environmentally conscious world.


The impact of our Design and Technology curriculum at the Richard Clarke First School is evident in the growth and development of our students. Through engaging in practical projects and hands-on activities, they cultivate their creativity and problem-solving abilities. They learn to approach challenges with resilience and perseverance, building confidence in their skills. DT education also equips students with technical knowledge, enabling them to bring their design ideas to fruition. Importantly, they develop a critical eye for evaluating their work and considering improvements, fostering a mindset of continuous learning. Furthermore, our students gain an understanding of the importance of sustainability in design decisions, instilling a sense of responsibility towards the environment. Overall, DT education at our school empowers students to become thoughtful, skilled, and socially conscious individuals prepared for the future.


Yearly overview:

D&T yearly overview


D&T rationales





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