Sports Premium

What is Sports Premium?

Since 2013, the government has provided funding to support the delivery of Primary PE and School Sport. It is provided for schools to make “additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of the PE, physical activity and sport they provide”.

The 5 key indicators of the 2023-2024 primary school sport funding are:

  1.  Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
  2. The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity
  3. The profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement
  4. Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
  5. Increased participation in competitive sport.

How much do we get?

Each school receives £16000 plus £10 per pupil for pupils in years 1-6. For our school this equates to approximately £17000.

How is it spent?

The aim of the funding is to improve the quality and breadth of our PE and sporting provision. Mrs Austin, our PE lead, is responsible for agreeing a PE action plan at the beginning of each academic year. This document is a working document and is updated after each term with actual spend, evidence of impact, sustainability and next steps.

So far this year we have…

  • Taken Years 3 and 4 swimming weekly in the Autumn term
  • Engaged in a whole school cross-curricula Geography/PE enrichment day
  • Worked with Sporting PB to develop staff skills and knowledge to deliver inspiring, fun and engaging lessons
  • Provided CPD for staff to strengthen our curriculum designs and develop our monitoring and assessment
  • Worked alongside PE leaders across the ULT to partake in a range of sporting competitions with local First Schools
  • Participated in a whole school Martial Arts workshop
  • Booked a Freestyle Football whole school workshop (delivered by a 25 x World Record holder!)
  • Booked a cricket and tag-rugby coach for the Summer term
  • Provided a range of after school clubs throughout the academic year
  • …we are only half way through the year and have so much more to look forward to!


The document below shows how we allocate the money we have received, what impact it will have and our plans for using the grant in the future.

Sport Premium Action Plan 2023-2024




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