(Registered Charity No 1111098)imagesZ41Y20WW

Chair: Susie Gray
Treasurer: Rachel Gavin 

The PTFA exists to support the school by organising events and fundraising to enhance the opportunities given to all the children during  their time at the school. As parents of children at the school you are all members of the PTFA. This is a way for you to be involved in enriching your children’s experiences at school and helping find new ways of raising the money needed to do so.

The PTFA is run by a committee who meet regularly to plan, organise and run a variety of events including the Christmas Fair, Sports Day, school discos and The Richards (a leavers’ evening for Year 4). We are always happy to welcome new members to the Committee. The more people there are, the less we all have to do!!

We can only achieve this level of support for the school with the help of all our parents.  As well as needing new committee members we also appreciate occasional help from parents and friends to ensure the smooth running of events. This includes donations of prizes, setting up, helping on a stall or serving refreshments and tidying up at the end. We also welcome help from parents with skills or resources that could help us make our fundraising ventures even more successful. We really appreciate all the help that we are offered.

We understand that not all of you will be able to attend the PTFA meetings but we will keep you informed by including any items which we may need help with in the school newsletters, DoJo posts, PTFA notice board, and we have a private Facebook group called Richard Clarke First School PTFA where there will be updates on fundraising and how the funds have been allocated to the school. Search for us and an admin will accept you following a couple of security questions.

If you would be willing to help us in any way, please speak to a member of the committee. We look forward to hearing from you.

Contact the PTFA via the school office or the group.

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