Parent View

Please follow the link to Parent View to tell us what you think of our school. We value your opinions and will always give our best endeavours to improve things. Please tell us if you are not happy and more importantly tell us your ideas for how we can improve things. Of course we also love positive feedback too!

Click on the Parent View Icon below to complete the OFSTED survey:


Parent Surveys

We survey our parents annually for feedback on our performance and are always thrilled with the positive feedback we receive and we also value suggestions for ways in which we can improve as we are always striving to get better and better.

2023 results were that 100% of parent agreed with the following statements:

My child is happy at this school

My child feels safe at this school

My child makes good progress at this school

My child is well looked after at this school

My child is taught well at this school

Comments include:

R The happy, fun environment created

Y1 All the activities & events that take place

Y2 Opportunities available for the children and the caring and passionate staff.

Y4 The sense of community

Y2 Mrs Hanson is a fantastic head teacher. She is always friendly and approachable and often on the courtyard to greet the children in the morning. I like the level of communication at RCFS. I feel we are always well informed and listened to. There is always a member of staff available to talk with before school if you require it and emails and messages on class Dojo are always promptly dealt with. Class Dojo has continued to be a good source of communication this year and I have loved seeing photos of our children.

R I think the school is a very welcoming place. The teachers are friendly and approachable. My son really loves it there and I feel that he has made good progress.  I think the learning through play and exploring is great in reception class. Mrs Read has done some imaginative activities with the kids (like penguins, flying to the moon and lots of others). He has come home with great excitement to tell me about these activities so he clearly enjoyed them and it is wonderful to seem him be so enthusiastic.

Y4 The support and care they give my child

Y3 The teachers are absolutely amazing. They work so hard & create a positive, happy & fun environment for the children.

R The teachers are amazing & create a positive, happy & fun environment for the children. The support & office staff also take wonderful care of the children. The reception classroom & playground is a lovely space.

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