March 2021: Our AMAZING Ganas Home Learning Projects!

Ganas, tenemos muchas ganas. | Luis Aretio

Our GANAS projects: March 2021

During the lockdown, we’ve been working really hard at home on our amazing GANAS home learning projects. ‘Ganas’ comes from the spanish word meaning desire – and these projects are designed to get our children learning creatively about a topic they are interested in. Our five class teachers have provided a basis from which to work – but the creativity and inspiration has come from our amazing children and families.

As we were unable to share our projects in school this time (hopefully we can do this again soon with our Ganas Share Expo) – the teachers have shared them in a variety of ways. Whether asking children to present their learning during a Google Meet or sharing pictures and videos – there have been so many different ideas! Models, cookery, stories, artwork and much more!

We’d love to show you our Ganas project shares – and you can find them in the Learning Zone for each class. Simply click here and then choose the class you would like to visit!

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