Hockey Competition at Shobnall, March 2019


Congratulations to our year 4 Hockey team who competed in the Shobnall competition on Friday 29th March. Along with over 12 other schools in two tables our team played 5 matches trying to get through the rounds to be within the top two. Unfortunately we were up against some very tough teams and didn’t get through the round stage.

We drew 4 and lost 1 to end up joint third in our table. I was so proud of each team member who tried so hard to control the ball and head for the goal.

Our two goalkeepers on the day, Henry Hall and Alfie Bassett kept the goals low only letting in four across the 5 matches. Three of our year 4 team were identified as being good enough to be given an opportunity to try club hockey out. Well done to Henry Hall, Sam Law and Daisy Fulton.

Mrs Care (PE Teacher)

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