Disability Awareness Day

IMG_0720 (Small)Wacky Wednesday – We all dressed in a ‘wacky’ colour or pattern or even had ‘wacky’ hair do’s as part of our Disability Awareness Day in school.  The objective of the day was to learn about different disabilities and how these may affect people’s lives.  We hope this gave the children a better understanding and empathy for people with disabilities.

We had a special assembly and we had a go at different activities such as painting with our toes, putting our shoes and socks on with one arm and we even tried sitting in a wheelchair.  We also learned about famous people with disabilities and how successful they have been.  At the end of the day we held a cake sale and raise nearly £130.00 which we are going to spend on resources that will support children with additional needs in school.

Thank you to all that have helped and contributed to the day, it was a great success and thank you to all the children for your brilliant responses to this learning.

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12 October 2016

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