Apply for a place

Applying for a place at The Richard Clarke First School

Places available

Places still available for Reception 2024.

We have small classes of around 20 in all Year Groups and with a PAN of 30 we have plenty of room for new children.

To apply for a reception place at Richard Clarke First School you must apply via Staffordshire County Council here:

For in year admissions simply contact the school.

You can find our admissions policy here.


If you would like to express an interest in a place at Richard Clarke in any year group click here to send your enquiry:

Or call 01283 840206

We encourage you to come and look at all the amazing things we do!

‘Since moving my children to Richard Clarke, they have made so much progress, they are now happy and want to come to school.  I only regret not doing it sooner!’  Y1+3 Parent 2024

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