Our Vision and Mission Statement​

Vision Statement (To what do we aspire?)

‘Our vision is to create an outstanding school community where we delight in learning, achieving and growing together and believe in our motto: TEAM – together everyone achieves more’

Mission Statement (What do we do and who for?)

We provide a welcoming, safe, happy and stimulating environment for children and staff, where everyone is valued and their voices heard.

We encourage and nurture independent thinking, together with the ability to work effectively as part of a group.

We make RCFS a school where we can all be proud of ourselves and of our achievements and which enables children to become confident and successful lifelong learners and principled, active citizens with respect for others.

The Richard Clarke First School Core Values (What do we stand for?)

Core Values


Schools Aims
1. To provide a quality education and enjoyable learning environment that stimulates and challenges children, so that they can achieve high standards, in all areas of the curriculum. SUCCESS We want to create a school:

• Which has high standards of achievement
• In which all lessons taught are good or better
• Where a clear emphasis is placed on Reading, Writing and Numeracy
• Which prepares children for the next stage of their education
• Which challenges our children to achieve their full potential

2. To promote the social, moral, cultural, intellectual, physical, and spiritual development of our children, which is sufficiently differentiated to meet the needs of all. CONSIDERATION We want to create a school where our children:

• Are happy and safe

• Achieve behaviour and standards we are proud of by following the RCFS core values

• Are independent in their learning

• Begin the journey of lifelong learners

• Promote respect for themselves, others and the environment

• Develop enquiring minds and a spirit of curiosity

3. To foster attitudes of individual responsibility and self discipline within an atmosphere of respect, co-operation and tolerance. RESPONSIBILITY
4.  To provide a curriculum which reflects and celebrates the multicultural and multi-ethnic nature of society. CONSIDERATION
5.  To encourage positive attitudes of learning, especially independence and confidence. RESPONSIBILITY
6. To prepare our children for the opportunities and experiences of adult life. SUCCESS
7. To ensure that opportunities are available for all, irrespective of race, religion, disability and gender, and to strive to be a fully inclusive school. TEAMWORK AND FRIENDSHIP
8. To promote good relationships with parents and the wider community to maximise every child’s potential. TEAMWORK AND FRIENDSHIP We want to create a school where we:

• Encourage children, staff, parents and local community to work together as a team and care for each other
• Make the most of the local environment in children’s learning

9. To plan for and meet the professional development needs of all staff. RESPONSIBILLITY AND SUCCESS We want to create a school:

• Where staff are committed to their own learning journey and the sharing of quality practice
• Which creates leaders at all level

10. To work in partnership with the wider community so as to further raise pupil standards of achievement. TEAMWORK AND SUCCESS We want to create a school:

• Which communicates effectively with stakeholders

11. To continually review and reflect on the above aims in order to enhance and improve the quality of provision in our school. RESPONSIBILITY AND SUCCESS We want to create a school:

• Which has excellent Leadership & Management
• Which achieves value for money

12. To make sure Richard Clarke has the X-factor through:


We want Richard Clarke First School to:

• Place the emphasis on having fun

• Place a strong emphasis on music, dance, sport, art and drama

• Embrace technology

• Promote outdoor learning


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