Uttoxeter Learning Trust and links to our local schools

Our 3-tier system, all part of the Uttoxeter Learning Trust

Education in the Uttoxeter area is provided through a three tier structure of First, Middle and High Schools.

The Uttoxeter catchment area is served by twelve first schools, three middle schools and one High School, Thomas Alleyne’s.

When your child leaves Richard Clarke First School, they have a choice of schools to go to within the 3-tier system, although we traditionally feed into Oldfields Hall Middle School, where our children have priority.

Oldfields Hall Middle School

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‘My vision of Oldfields Hall Middle School is a school based on strong principles. A school where all members of our community are valued. A school where passionate teachers provide engaging, interesting lessons to pupils they care about. A school where pupils are happy and eager to learn and contribute to our community. A school that is civilised and well-ordered and a school where parents/carers are valued partners in ensuring that all of our pupils achieve.’

Mr Carl Gliddon – Headteacher

To find out more, visit the school website – Oldfields website

Thomas Alleyne’s High School

TAHS logo






‘We offer students a broad curriculum including a comprehensive extra-curricular programme.  By encouraging them to take every opportunity we ensure they make excellent progress and develop the skills they need for their future.

We are passionate that each individual achieves their personal best and is able to make their own individual contribution to our school community.

Our school is proud to be at the heart of its local community. It is with a sense of pride that we occupy a large site with over 27 buildings including: a school farm, sports centre specialist arts, drama and design technology blocks.

In 2018 GCSE results showed students at Thomas Alleyne’s High School have, for 4 years in a row, exceeded county and national averages. The results have placed the academy as one of the 4th highest performing school in the county in terms of the progress students make during their time with us.’

Mrs J Rudge – Headteacher

To find out more, visit the school website – Thomas Alleyne’s website

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Our school is one of nine which belong to Uttoxeter Learning Trust – providing an education which supports our pupils to become well rounded and successful citizens.

Through this network, we’re uniquely placed to provide seamless, high-quality education across the full 3-18 age range, supporting high levels of progress from early years to A levels.

Find out more about the Trust here:  Uttoxeter Learning Trust.

The Uttoxeter Learning Trust has been on an incredible journey from April 2017 when the 3 founding schools started the Multi Academy Trust. They have since grown with 6 more local schools and now consist of 9 good and outstanding schools:

  • Thomas Alleyne’s High School
  • Oldfields Hall Middle School
  • Windsor Park Middle School
  • Ryecroft Middle School
  • Picknalls First School
  • Hutchinson Memorial School
  • All Saints First School
  • Bramshall Meadows First School
  • The Richard Clarke First School

The Uttoxeter Learning Trust consists of First, Middle and High Schools, some of which are small, rural schools (some Church of England) which form our all-through educational family. Our unique individual school nature continues but we support each other and provide excellent teaching and learning, outstanding extra-curricular activities and a friendly, safe and caring educational environment.

We continue to look for other like-minded locally geographic partners so that we can develop our educational offer further. We have all found that working together for the benefit of all children in and around Uttoxeter has really focused us on designing, delivering and continually evolving the education we can offer. We firmly believe in the vision of delivering the best education from the ages of 3-18 in a seamless 3 tier system.

We strive to live up to our motto ‘Inspired Teaching, Inspiring Children.’

For more information on the Uttoxeter schools pyramid please contact the Head Teacher at Richard Clarke First School.

See the Contact Us page for more details.


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