House Teams


BAGOT BLUE The Bagot Goat Blithfield Hall is a privately owned Grade I listed country house in Staffordshire, England, situated just outside Abbots Bromley.
The Hall, with its embattled towers and walls, has been the home of the Bagot family since the late 14th century.
Blithfield Hall is known as the home of a breed of goat, the Bagot goat. The part of the parish known as Bagot’s Bromley took its name from ownership by the family since 1360.   Bagot’s Wood, the remains of the ancient Needwood Forest also takes its name from the Bagots.
Bagot team picture
CLARKE RED The RC Deer Richard Clarke is the name of a local man who made his fortune in London. He bequeathed money to build a school to carry his name.

Richard Clarke lived at the same time as Guy Fawkes.

In 1606 Richard Clarke, “a dyer and citizen of London”, left in his will £300 so that the people of Abbots Bromley could buy land which could be leased out at a rent of £20 per annum and which would then enable them to build and maintain a free school within the village.

Clarke team picture
DRABBLE GREEN The Heron Phil Drabble OBE (13 May 1914 – 29 July 2007) was an English countryman, author and television presenter. Brought up in the Black Country, he later lived in – and wrote mostly about – the countryside of north Worcestershire and Abbots Bromley in south Staffordshire, where he created a nature reserve called Goat Lodge.  We visit the site annually to see the heron, deer and other wildlife.
Drabble team picture
PAGET YELLOW The Paget Griffin  Abbots Bromley remained affiliated to the Abbey till the Dissolution of the Monasteries in 1545. Henry VIII gave Bromley Abbatis to Sir William Paget, Clerk of the Signet and Privy Councillor. The village was known as Paget’s Bromley for several centuries, distinguishing it from the part of the parish in the hands of the Bagot family, still known as Bagot’s Bromley but eventually the influence of the Paget family declined, and the name reverted to Abbots Bromley.
Paget team picture

Sport’s day results:

2015 1st Clarke    2nd Bagot       3rd  Drabble      4th Paget

2016 1st Paget     2nd Bagot         3rd  Drabble     4th Clarke

2017 1st Clarke     2nd Bagot        3rd Drabble      4th Paget

2018 1st Clarke     2nd Drabble    3rd Paget         4th Bagot

2019 1st Drabble    2nd  Bagot        3rd Paget          4th Clarke

2020/21  No Sports day due to Coronavirus pandemic and partial school closure 🙁

2022   1st Paget      2nd Drabble    3rd Bagot       4th Clarke

2023     1st Drabble   2nd  Paget      3rd   Clarke     4th Bagot

2024     1st Drabble   2nd  Bagot      3rd   Clarke     4th Paget

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