The Local Governing Board

Our Governors are all hardworking and dedicated to being a highly effective governing body. They are both supportive and critical friends and have a rich set of skills covering a broad spectrum.

As well as termly full governing body meetings, there are three sub-committees including a Finance and Resources, Pupil Support and Standards committee.

Members of the Governing Body serve a four-year term which can then be renewed. All parents have the opportunity of becoming a school governor and all parents may take part in the election of representatives on the Governing Body.

The Local Governing Board (LGB) came into effect on 01.09.21 at the point when the School converted to academy status.  Our Chair of Governors meets termly with the CEO of the Uttoxeter Learning Trust which feeds into the Trust Board.

For details of the structure and responsibilities of the Governing Board and its committees, please download the following PDF.

RCFS Governor Committee structure 2023-24

Who appoint our Governors?

  • Parent governors are elected by other parents at the school.
  • Staff governors are elected by the school staff.
  • The headteacher is a member of the governing body by virtue of their office.
  • Co-opted governors are appointed by the governing body.
  • Associate members are appointed by the governing body to serve on one or more governing body committee.

Click on each Governor to link to their profile including why they wanted to become a Governor and their background skills.

Chair of Local Governing Board:

Mr Eddie Carline Link governor for Early Years and PE/Sports Premium, English

Standards Committee Member

Term of Office: 20 September 2022 – 19 September 2026


Parent Governors:

Mr David Redfern Link governor for Maths, Science and DT

Pupil Support Committee Member

Term of Office:  3 January 2023 – 2 January 2027


Mrs Harriet Allen Link for: English and History

Pupil Support and Standards Committee

Term of Office: 19 February 2024- 18 February 


Co-opted Governors:

Mr Steve Coxon Vice-Chair of governing body and link governor for Health & Safety

Chair of Finance and Resources Committee

Term of Office: 1 September 2021 – 31 August 2025

Rev. Simon Davis Link governor for History/Geography/RE

Finance and Resource Committee Member

Term of Office: 1 September 2021 – 31 August 2025


Mr Oliver Crooks Link for PSHEe and Behaviour

Pupil Support Committee Member

Term of Office: 3 January 2023 – 2 January 2027

Mrs Carol Smart Link governor for Special Educational Needs (SEND) and Pupil Premium, Equality and Inclusion, Looked After Children

Standards and Pupil Support Committee Member

Term of Office: 1 September 2021 – 31 August 2025


Ms Rachel Chapman Link governor for Parental Engagement/communications, community links

Finance and Resources Committee Member

Term of Office: 3 January 2023 – 2 January 2027



Mrs Louise Haywood Link governor for Music, MFL and Computing

Finance and Resources Committee Member

Term of Office: 20 November 2023 – 19 November 2027


Mrs Julie Wood Link Governor for Safeguarding including Prevent and Attendance

Pupil Support Committee Member

Term of Office: 20 November 2023 – 19 November 2027




Staff Governor:
Mrs Danielle Austin  

Standards Committee Member

Term of Office: 1 September 2023 – 31 August 2027



Please contact any of the school governors via the school office: 

(01283) 840206 

Or email

Register of Interest 

Declarations-RichardClarkeFirst Jan 2022

Attendance of Governors

Governor Attendance 21-22

Uttoxeter Learning Trust

The Local Governing Boards of the ULT have certain powers delegated to them by the Uttoxeter Learning Trust Board to support the way schools operate on a day-to-day basis.  For more information about the Members and Trustees of the Uttoxeter Learning Trust see link below:—trustees



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