


The intent of our Music Curriculum is to deliver the aims of the National Curriculum in a way that provides enjoyable experiences for both pupils and teachers. The children will gain a firm understanding of what music is through listening, singing, playing, evaluating, analysing, and composing across a wide variety of historical periods, styles, traditions, and musical genres. At the Richard Clarke First School children will participate in a range of musical experiences, building up their confidence and knowledge at the same time. We provide our learners with opportunities to develop their understanding of rhythm and pitch and learn how music is structured, as well as learning a range of technical vocabulary for these elements. As the children’s curiosity, self-confidence and creativity develops, they will enjoy the performance aspect of music, gaining a sense of achievement.


The implementation of our music curriculum across the school provides the children with the ability to develop a love of music and release their talent as musicians while developing their self-confidence and creativity. Music is delivered as a discrete subject but also across the whole curriculum. Areas of learning, such as times tables in maths, vocabulary in languages and movement in dance can all incorporate different elements of music and provide opportunities for the children to be continuously developing their music skills. Here at Richard Clarke First School we follow the Music Express scheme of learning across all year groups. This provides opportunities for key skills to be progressed throughout each year group across the school. A weekly singing assembly allows the children opportunities to develop their singing skills as a whole school ensemble. Performances, such as the Harvest Festival, Christmas play, Spring Sing and end of year shows demonstrates that music is important to the ethos and life of the school as well as sharing this with and involving the wider community. Children are given opportunities to engage in a range of extracurricular activities such as choir club, which proves to be very popular across all ages. We have a range of external talented music teachers who provide peripatetic music lessons, enriching the children’s experiences with making music.


The impact of teaching music is seen across the whole school with an increase in the profile of music. This allows students to discover areas of strength, as well as areas they might like to improve upon. Through whole school performances, individual class assemblies and extracurricular activities, whole-school and parental engagement will be improved.  Participation in music will develop key skills such as wellbeing, promote listening and develop concentration. We want to ensure that music is loved by teachers so that their love for music can be positively passed on to the pupils who can then themselves foster a love and passion for music. This will allow them to want to continue building on this wealth of musical ability, now and in the future.

“I like that you can make different sounds and notes using the instruments in music.” 

“I really enjoy going to choir because one day I would like to be a famous singer.”

“I have so much fun at Rocksteady with my friends and playing songs using the instruments.” 


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