


At the Richard Clarke First School, we are committed to fostering a deep curiosity and understanding of the natural world through our Science curriculum. Our intent is to inspire and engage students in scientific inquiry, enabling them to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to become informed citizens and lifelong learners. We aim to cultivate a love for science by providing stimulating learning experiences that encourage exploration, investigation, and critical thinking. Our Science curriculum reflects the diversity of scientific disciplines, promoting curiosity, awe, and wonder about the world around us.



Our curriculum is carefully planned. We ensure full coverage of the National Curriculum linked to our threshold concepts of; Observation over time, Identifying, grouping and classifying, Research, Comparative and fair testing and Pattern seeking. All our lessons help the children link their scientific learning to one of these concepts which are planned progressively through the year groups. We also consider the enquiry cycle and ensure that the steps within it are covered throughout our lessons.

Science in the Early Years allows children to explore a range of phenomena. Children start their journey by building up learning skills as detailed by the characteristics of teaching and learning.

Scientific vocabulary is carefully planned for and taught through the repetitive model to help the children to remember. Vocabulary has been considered throughout the school and planned to ensure progression is built on the previous learning.

Our carefully sequenced curriculum ensures progression throughout the year groups and each teacher is clear as to how their teaching progresses to the next year and what has been taught before. Initial assessment is used to understand the children’s prior knowledge and teacher assessments are used throughout the topic to gauge how much support the children need.

We have different ways of raising the profile of science across the school. A number of classes go on science based trips, in the past we have visited Enginuity, the Space Centre, Peak wildlife park and Goat Lodge. We have also had whole school science days and science after school clubs. These all have a positive impact on the children’s enjoyment and interaction with the subject.



At Richard Clarke First School, we are dedicated to fostering a deep curiosity and understanding of the natural world through our Science curriculum. Our intent is to inspire and engage students in scientific inquiry, enabling them to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to become informed citizens and lifelong learners. We aim to cultivate a love for science by providing stimulating learning experiences that encourage exploration, investigation, and critical thinking. Our Science curriculum reflects the diversity of scientific disciplines, promoting curiosity, awe, and wonder about the world around us.

Science Yearly Overview



“Science is great because I get to learn lots, it is fascinating!”

“I enjoyed learning about sound- we even made a telephone and investigated how it works.”

“I like science because we find out lots of cool things, for example about our body.”



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