David Redfern

Governing Body

Individual Governor Profile

Type of Governor: Parent Governor

Reasons for becoming a Governor:

Currently working in education I have built a series of skills and experiences. Networking with other schools in both state and private education has given me a broad overview of procedures and school-life in different contexts. Because of this, I wanted to share my passion for teaching and help assist with ideas and play an active role in the development of the school.

Subject link: Maths, Science and DT

Background Information:

I have taught in both KS1 and KS2, leading a number of departments over the years from Maths to Science, PE to Music. I have particularly enjoyed networking with the community, playing an active-role on the PTFA and Parents’ Forum. I have a strong passion for understanding how children can effectively learn and support their own development in order to live a happy, successful and meaningful life.

Additional Information:

I enjoy the opportunity to travel with my family, experiencing different cultures and faiths. I have spent time in Africa, supporting the educational charity, The Lisa Kent Memorial Trust. This proved to be a humble and enlightening experience, maintaining educational buildings whilst supporting the learning of children in The Gambia.




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