Cross Country Success

Richard Clarke start their winning run with a 1st Place for Jasmine Mayman at the first inter-schools sports competition of the season.

Here she is collecting her medal.








On Thursday 4th October,  Richard Clarke entered our first sports competition of the season, the Staffordshire County Cross Country selection event at Thomas Alleynes. Ten pupils, 6 from year 3 and 4 from year 4 took part, competing against four other schools across our area. The event started with year 3 girls running 600m followed by year 3 boys. Next came year 4 girls running 1km and then year 4 boys running the same distance. Each team did their very best on the day with our year 3 girls coming 1st, 5th & 14th, a very strong finish in the team event and our year 3 boys finishing 4th, 15th & 18th, with Jack Vernon just missing out on a medal. Our year 4 teams found the distance hard work but they gave it their all and produced a great effort with everyone determined to finish the race. Well done everyone on acheiving your personal best.



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