Harley the Hawk visit (18/4/18)

We had a wonderful day on Wednesday in school. Each class had a workshop with Katie and Harley and learned all sorts of great things from our village expert. We learned lots of science regarding things like food chains and animal classification as well as about falconry terms still used in language today like ’under the thumb’ and ’fed up’ and a little about it’s place in our history. It was fascinating and everyone learned lots of new things, including the grown ups!

We got to see Harley fly, although this didn’t entirely go to plan as Harley decided to have long rest in the tree and it took us a while (and some help from the fire service) to get him down safely! This added to the excitement and the tree will now, forever be known as ‘Harley’s Tree’ !!

The children will all have a souvenir photo to take home of themselves with Harley and Katie to remember the day by and I hope they’ve shared their new knowledge with you!

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