Mrs Carol Smart

Governing Body

Individual Governor Profile

Type of Governor: Co-opted

Link Governor roles:  SEND, Inclusion and equality, Pupil Premium, Looked after, staff well-being

Reasons for becoming a Governor:
When the opportunity arose to become a governor at my local school in Abbots Bromley, I applied as I hoped I could contribute as pay back for the education received by my own two children who are now both in their thirties. My grandchildren will start attending RCFS in January 2023 so my interest to the school continues.

Subject link: Special educational needs and disability, Looked After Children and Pupil Premium.  Deputy Safeguarding.

Background info: In the first twenty years of my teaching career, I worked as a classroom teacher and then a specialist tutor in special, primary and secondary schools. For the last twenty years, I was employed by the local authority originally as a dyslexia tutor then a SEN Support team member and finally as a SEN Advisor. I am now retired but remain passionate about education and the opportunities it can provide to all children and their families.

Additional info: We have lived in Abbots Bromley for more than 30 years. Our two children both attended RCFS and I was a parent volunteer and a PTA member during this time.

My grandchildren started RCFS in January 2023.





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