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Wellbeing week


Wellbeing week

We have had a super Wellbeing Week in school this week! It has been a great way to end the Spring Term. We started the week by having a whole school danceathon outside on the playground with Mrs Hanson and Georgia from Burton Albion!

This week, we have also decorated stones, which are going to be put around the church ground to put a smile on the communities face as well as writing posters to say a massive thank you to you, the parents for your hard work and support during the lockdown.

Year 4 also completed a litter pick of different areas of the village to clean up Abbots Bromley and make our village look tidier. Finally, we also collected donations for a local pet charity to help the wellbeing of pets. Thank you everybody that helped with this, and brought in donations of pet food, it is very much appreciated!


Miss Wain

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Red Nose Day 19th March 2021

Comic Relief’s Red Nose Day has been running since its launch in 1988, and is a day designated to raise as much money as possible for the charity – with the aid of some A-list celebs. In 2019, the British public raised over £63.4 million to help people in the UK and around the world.

Red Nose Day donations help tackle important issues including homelessness, hunger, domestic abuse and mental health stigma, all of which have been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.

At RCFS we have had a no uniform day and we have focused our thoughts on real life and fictional heroes.  We’ve thought about what makes a real life hero and why do we admire them?  What have fictional heroes got in common with the real life heroes?  Some children and staff dressed up as their heroes and together we raised £141.20!  Thank you all.

Comic Relief co-founder, Sir Lenny Henry, said: ‘We all need cheering up, so this year Red Nose Day will be a bit different. ‘Of course we want to raise as much money as possible for people who really need it in the UK and around the world. ‘But we also want to make you smile and bring you some laughter over the coming weeks.’  With this in mind some children told their jokes in our celebration assembly and made us all laugh!!


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World Book Day 4th March 2021

Thank you to all who dressed up on World Book day, you all looked fab.  It was great to really think about our favourite characters and why we like them.  We hope you enjoy spending your voucher on your new book, here is the link to see the books available…

We hope you enjoyed our ‘no device’ day with lots of reading and other book/character related activities.



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