Archive Events

Find out about Past Events held at our school.

Safety when leaning online

Now a lot of us are learning at home we’re using technology more than ever! Today, the children in school have thought carefully about the risks with this and wanted to share these with all of their friends so that they can make sure they’re safe.

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The Staff of RCFS


Today the keyworker children have been very busy creating a piece of artwork of all the teachers, teaching assistants and staff of The Richard Clarke First School with the help of Miss Wain. It has been a month since the school has been open fully, so here is a picture just in case you have forgotten what all the staff looks like!

Can you recognise every member of staff?

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Spring Chicken!

Friday, 3rd April marks the end of the spring term. At 2.00pm, we would have been celebrating with our Spring Sing performance in the hall. It’s a real shame because we had so many lovely songs to sing!

We thought that it would be a nice idea to share our Spring Chicken song here – and you can sing along with your family at home. Remember children – to dance like crazy in the chorus!

We would love to receive some photos of your performances! If you like, please take a photo of you/your family joining in and email it to your child’s class teacher! We will then select 2 or 3 per class and share on our website. Please note – we assume permission is granted for publication on our website for all photos received.

Have fun, everyone!

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April Fools!

We’ve been busy planning an April Fools joke for you all, here it is!


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